I help business owners show up and stand out in their market.
First impressions happen online. It’s time to put your best foot forward.
Hey, I’m Abby Grace
Yes, I do have two names — my mama raised me southern
I’m a mom to 3 boys and 1 girl (under the age of 6). I live like a habitual architect of any and all things. I’m a night owl to a fault. And I’m the gal behind Extra Mile Design Studio.
When I started this design studio in 2020, it was honestly an experiment of being a mom by day and a designer by night (and nap time). As I picked up projects and exercised my own creative passion, I continued to refine my design and client process.
As my business grew, I realized that to provide my best work (perfectionist probs) I had to dream about my clients’ services with as much passion as they do. Before I knew it, I couldn’t work on a project without getting seriously personally invested. My clients’ passions became my passions. It was then that design was no longer only about pretty visuals for me.
Cue my lightbulb moment: “I can help others serve the world through their passions and gifts by blending thoughtful strategy with artistic design.”
My favorite part of designing brands and websites is super-charging my clients’ ability to make a real impact in the world. I love diving into what my clients are passionate about and putting feet to their vision. I love to listen to my clients ramble about what they love and then build strategic words and visuals that make their audience want to pull up a chair and stay a while too.
When your passion is given the right platform, it is supercharged to make greater impact.

"I was so impressed by her ability to capture me."
“Abby Grace was keen on highlighting important details without being overwhelming in the copywriting. She did her magic, creating an inviting, hopeful first impression. I would recommend her to a friend one million times over so they could be encouraged to face hard things, receive a website that literally is the imprint of what they’d hoped for, have a friend in an industry that seems daunting, and get to taste the kindness of Jesus."
Maury Jo H. | Counseling with Maury Jo
The quality of your brand affects how people actually perceive your business.
You could be the expert in the room, but no one would pick you because they have no idea. I make sure that your audience can’t deny that you’re the best at what you do.
A few facts that built this designer
I had 4 kids in 5.5 years
I drink an embarrassing amount of caffeine (no, I’m not proud)
I married my boss (don’t worry — it wasn’t scandalous. But still makes for a good story)
Drawing has been my thing since I could pick up a pencil
I have a degree in Communications in Graphic Design from Dallas Baptist University
I like a good house project
I’m the oldest of 13 kids (yes — for real)
Designing or entrepreneur-ing is life-giving to me
I don’t mind a good strategy card game
I love Reeses peanut butter cups
I’m a pastor’s wife
I’m an introvert, Enneagram 1w2, INTJ, working genius: DG
I nerd out about my kids, branding, culture building, the local church, and the transforming work of Jesus
The why behind what I do.
"I have worked with so many firms over the past 30 years and she was by far the best."
“My favorite part of working with Abby Grace was her attention to detail. There is an art to websites and marketing, and I would recommend her to a friend for her expertise and quality of work.”
Clayton C. | R1:16 Ministries
You only get one shot at a first impression.
Ready to reach the right people and expand your impact? Let’s talk.